Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 29 - a post to explain who we are...

April 1st will mark the completion of Calgary's fifth 40 Days for Life campaign. 
Not sure what this is? 
This local peaceful prayer vigil gives individuals the opportunity to show their respect for life by signing up online at www.40daysforlife/calgary with friends and family to give an hour of time to join in the effort, through prayer and sacrifice, to bring about an end to abortion.  40 Days for life is a focused pro-life effort that consists of three components.  Most importantly, it is a time for prayer and fasting, secondly is the more visible  component of our campaign which is our peaceful presence at the Kensington abortion clinic in Calgary, where thousands of little ones are killed each year. Thirdly, there is a focus on 40 days of community outreach which can be accomplished simply by making an effort to talk to friends, family and neighbours about what it means to value human life at every age and level of development. 
During the 40 days of the vigil, volunteers use a convenient online sign up calendar to choose their time slot and are peacefully compliant with the injunction at the Kensington abortion clinic that restricts interaction and confrontation and keeps our presence to the other side of the street. Individuals who have become involved in the campaign have said that this intentional time of prayer has served to soften them to the horror abortion that tears apart hundreds of thousands of families in our nation every year.  Seeing the door swing open and closed as women meet their moment of crisis with the irreversible choice of abortion is sobering to say the least.
Internationally, in the few short years since 40 Days For Life began, there have been documented reports of over 5000 babies being rescued from abortion.  Over 60 abortion workers have quit their jobs and left the abortion industry and over 20 abortion clinics have shut their doors.  This is a campaign that is bearing good fruit. 
When we complete this campaign, we will begin looking forward to our fall campaign and praying that increasing numbers of believers will feel the prompting of the Holy Spirit to join us on the sidewalk outside the clinic in Calgary as we pray for abortion to end in our city.  Will you consider joining us?


  1. I had signed up for the firt time here in the USA a couple week ago. The 40 DFL people said they would make sure someone was there to be with me. WE are able to be right there in front of the clinic.

    2 week ago we got a phone call to adopt a baby boy out of state. I took this as a testimony that God did take me away from my first 40 DFL vigil in order to honor a life where a mother HAD chosen life. We were told this was an "emergent situation"...we jumped in the car and drove 9 hrs with 3 additional little ones under age 6:)

    I came home exhausted...we are all sick and had we not been vaccinated I would swear we all have the flu.....I kept staring at the calandar where I had written 40 DFL and still felt a pull....

    So here I am sick....going on very little sleep with a 2 week old and 6 yr old, 4 yr old, 18 month old....BUT I signed up to go for an hr tomorrow...I have to drive about 35 min each way.....Bless my husband as he will stay with them all...

    here I go..pray for me

  2. I am a day late but you have my prayers regardless!
