Thursday, December 15, 2011

on being green...

by linda

We hear a lot these days about being "green", how evil animal cruelty is, and how great pro-"choice" politicians are. In response to that I have one thing to say:
What is the point of saving the whales and the forests when we are aborting and contracepting ourselves out of existence? There will be nobody here to enjoy the pristine world these people envision. I recycle, I like animals, and I try to respect politicians - especially when they don't know any better, but respecting human life and saving human children should be a bigger priority.

And God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth. Genesis 1:28

We are to be careful stewards of nature but we are also to be careful stewards of our fertility and the children entrusted to our care. If nobody is here to populate the earth - what is the point of being green??


  1. I love what you wrote. I think about this a every day. I do think there is a big point to being green. Big. Just reverse what you've said and you get the equally compelling other side...what is the point of populating the earth if there is no clean water, clean air, nor enough food, water or space for any of them? With dominion comes great responsibility, not only to each other, but toward every living thing - how great is our God and how beautiful his creations!

    I don't think we can separate the issues. I don't think you can truly respect human life and not be "green". They are connected...interdependent if you will.

  2. But secular society puts being green on a pedestal, it's their "god", their "new religion". Human beings must always come first.

  3. I agree. Humans must come first. I just think that caring for the earth IS a big part of putting humans first. It goes hand in hand with my pro-life stance. Save people and save the Earth. :-) Let's do both!

  4. ITA, Lesley... You do hear a lot of people who are passionate about environmental issues supporting abortion on the grounds of "overpopulation". We can't afford this attitude... Or we lose our humanity. You're right though, I think they go hand in hand and both are important.

  5. ITA??? (I am such a moron...I have no idea what that means!)

  6. Haha! You are not a moron Lesley! ITA means, "I totally agree". ;)

  7. Seen on a bumper sticker: "Be a hero: save a whale. Save a baby: go to jail."


